MyoWare2.0 Muscle Sensor default signal.


I have a few questions regarding my first-time use of the MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor yesterday.

Q1) When I held the reference snap with my hand and left the MID and END snaps floating in the air, I observed a signal that was close to zero. What could be the reason for this?

Q2) I positioned the MID and END electrodes between my right thumb and index finger, and the reference cable near my wrist bone, as shown in the picture. In this configuration, the default signal measured was above 900, and when I moved the muscle, I noticed noise but a decrease in the signal. However, in the example EMG signal picture, the default value is close to zero, and only around 400 when the target muscle is moved. What could be the cause of the issue I experienced?

Q3) What would be the best placement of the snaps to measure finger movement?

The equipment I used and the code are as follows:

Equipment: Arduino Nano 33 BLE SENSE / MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor

Code: Arduino Example 1: Analog Read - Single Sensor, provided on the website.

Attached are the pictures of the signals I measured and the placement of the electrodes during measurement.

When the MID and END snaps are floating in the air while you hold the reference snap, observing a signal close to zero is expected. This is because without muscle activity or electrical interference, the signal should be relatively quiet. It indicates that the sensor is functioning properly in the absence of muscle activity.

To measure finger movements using the MyoWare Muscle Sensor, it’s generally recommended to place the snaps over the muscle group on the forearm responsible for controlling finger movement. The exact placement may vary depending on the specific muscle group and the range of motion you want to capture. As mentioned earlier, try positioning the snaps along the muscle fibers and experiment with different placements until you achieve the desired signal quality and response.


First of all, thank you for your kind reply!

Then, may I know why the default value of my signal is not almost zero, close to 900? Thank you.