I am making a mixer to connect two oscillators into. I am using a ttl 73LS266n chip for the mixer. Two oscillators are from 74LS132 chip.
For some odd reason the mixer chip doesn’t work. It’s an XNOR chip. The frequencies are coming in properly. I connect it to a nand gate and it works fine. Even looking at the unused gates, the inputs are grounded and outputs aren’t. Since it is an XNOR gate, 2 lows should yield a high output on the unused ones. I’m receiving a very low output on all of the pins. It is very mysterious. I ordered two of same IC and problem existed with both ICs.
Look in the data sheet for Iol (low level output current). This give you the limit for the pull-up minimum resistance value.
Now what is this output driving? The pull-up needs to produce a logic high level into the receiver and must do it fast enough to have clean rising and falling edges.
Without knowing more about what you’re doing I’d suggest just going with about 2,000 ohms. If you’re just driving another gate input then 10,000 ohm will be fine. If you’re directly driving an LED, speaker or several meters of wire then go with 1,000 ohms.
I would suggest just using a XNOR with push-pull outputs such as 74HC7266D,653 (Digikey# 568-8163-1-ND). Feeding two oscillators into an XNOR would be considered a phase detector (with a low-pass filter on the output) rather than a mixer, is that what you’re expecting?