Nano GPIO Pins

The hookup Guide shows 17 GPIO pins, however the product showcase video mentions 19.

Where are the other 2 GPIO pins

By inspecting the [schematic I see only 17 available pins. This must be a mistake in the video, I will pass it along to be corrected. Thanks!](

Thanks for the reply, You will want to change the Feature List to 17 as well

Can you recommend an Arduino based board for my project

I use a few interrupts,

I have exceeded the pin count on the Arduino Pro Mini 328, need 19 but could use 21 if available.

I do not want headers

I like the idea of more grounds as seen with the Artemis Nano

For now, I don’t need Bluetooth but could make use of it

Hi David,

Something like the [SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini may work for you. It has plenty of I/O pins and nearly all of them have pin-multiplexing capability so they can be defined to function in many different ways. Our [Hookup Guide for that board will have more information on that and how to get started with it. It also has ground rails similar to the Artemis Nano.

A couple other options you may want to look at would be the two Thing Plus boards: [ESP32 WROOM and the [SAMD51. Both of those will also have Hookup Guides similar to the Pro nRF52840 Mini linked on their respective product pages if you want to learn more about them.

I hope this helps you find the right microcontroller for your project!](](](](