I purchased the SparkFun Qwiic Scale - NAU7802, ESP32 Thing Plus, 20Kg load cell, connected the ESP32 to the NAU7802 via Qwiic Scale connector cable, programmed the esp with the Example1_Basic readings using the latest version of the library (1.0.4) and Arduino 1.8.12. It just gives me
Scale not detected. Please check wiring. Freezing...
I tried the second NAU7802 and got the same result. made sure the load cell was connected. Same result. It just seems really dumb that it doesn’t work out of the box with official supported hardware and software.
Have tried with just Qwiic scale and no other parts connected? I assume you’ll probably get the same result, but that’s a good starting point.
Can you share any pictures of your setup?
Yes I have, same result. It’s definately an issue between the NAU and ESP
I used this i2c scanner which detected noting, using either NAU7802, also tried this with generic esp32 dev board connected through jumper wires and noting.
I apologize for the delay. Can you confirm that the amplifier breakout is getting power, i.e. the onboard LED lights up?
Can you try updating to Arduino 1.8.13?
Please inspect all qwiic connectors to ensure that there are no bent pins. If you have access to an oscilloscope then you could also try probing the SDA and SCL lines to see if data is being transmitted.
Yes the LED lights up, the pins look just fine. I also tried connecting it to the ESP with jumper wires and got the same result.
Scale Powered from external 3.3v source only, oscilloscope connected to SDA and SCL. I get nothing.
Scale Powered via ESP using Qwicc Connector showing I2C Signal from ESP