I am new in this domain so please excuse my lack of knowledge about the subject.
I have found an interesting subject about an ARM7 based OLED CLOCK and I am trying to make it as my first project but I encountered some trouble in compiling the source code.
I have made the PCB and now I am in the difficulty of compiling the binary for uploading on the uC.
As far as I know the source code was made in the assembler language by the developer and was compiled under Linux using the GNU toolkit (compiler, linker, assembler, make) and openocd.
I have tried to make it work but I am not that skilled in using programs in Linux using command lines and using other programs such as Atmel Studio or Eclipse didn’t help either.
So I have decided to ask here if there is someone willing to help me to finish making my first project so I can understand at least at the basic level how the compiling and debugging works.
Can someone please help me with the compiling of the source code to obtain the binary so I can upload it on the uC?
The programmer I have is an olimex tiny h programmer and the developer used a digilent jtag 3 but I don’t think that is a big problem because I need to have a binary file first… and maybe I will buy that programmer also so it will work without modifying the code.
I have added an archive with all the documentation provided by the developer. BTW, I have tried to contact the developer but no response (maybe he changed his email in the last passing years).
https://www.dropbox.com/s/glc2gwlf63eim … ctoled.zip
Thank you in advance for any kind of help !