Need HELP making a simple sound project


I am not electronically inclined so I will try to explain what I need done. I am looking for a device that when power is administered to it by the use of either an on/off switch or motion detector, it will power up the “module” AKA a Sparkfun trigger and play prerecorded sounds until the power is cut off. Here is what I am thinking of doing:

#1) Sparkfun trigger MP3 player with a micro SD card. (I need to know where I can get the code to install the sound track into the card).

#2) One stereo amplifier connected via the 3.5mm audio jack

#3) a pair of 4" speakers from the amp

Sounds very simple to do but impossible to make. I would like to stay away from using an Arduino or Pi to do this? What materials do I need to get in order to achieve this simple task? Is this even possible to do without the use or either Arduino or Pi? I have searched everywhere and found no answers.

1- no code required, just put the SD card in your computer and copy the mp3 file to it.

2 and 3- get some small amplified computer speakers, they come with a 3.5mm plug and will work great with the mp3 or wav trigger. … 07D7TL9KM/

Additionally, I’d suggest going with the wav trigger, it’s a lot more configurable and that gives you options in the future if you want to change things. (Plus it’s easier to get it to do what you want it to) It’s only a few dollars more but the flexibility you get is worth it.