ok to answer a few of those points.
Range- 150feet. 300 is what im hoping for but understand would probably cost a lot to do.
Information on board- i dont plan for any. i plan to do it on laptop. i forgot to mention that i was debating installing laptop on ship to recieve signals.
Sensors- Only safety ones to monitor for fire or water in hull. Possibly some heat sensors to ensure parts are not over heating.
Speed with which outputs have to respond to external control signals- Well for most part i don’t need instant responses. a millisecond or so delay is acceptable. most systems wont need to react instantly. though a faster response on some would make things easier. like aiming the guns and firing. But im not sure what signal speed i should aim for.
processing is to be done onboard- that would be laptop if needed. not sure as some of the parts ive seen have inboard OS and processors. As for steering ill be controlling that from shore. If i find a inexpensive manner to add GPS or such on board i might. but as of now its line of sight.
Interferences- no idea what might be out their. i will be taking it to a large river. and on occasion random lakes.
Data Rate- now thats is good point. i figured a wireless network between laptops would have enough bandwidth to cover all. there wont be a lot of constant transfer as i figure. well would go up a lot if i do add the camera’s with live feeds. but most controls are temp signals. not much will be constant or so i think.
Required Reliability- Well if i do convert this to a crewed model would have to be very reliable. I would like to use it for charity drives locally. and kids getting stuck out on river not good. or if fire starts… So i want to add safety systems and system monitoring.
Lol i keep having to look up new types of models at each turn. hoping to finally set on one and stay on that forum. On hand full of forums now. was hoping this was last top 
Number and types of outputs- As in servo’s and such? well that’s a whole other ball game their. Since they will depend on cost and usability of parts prior to each step i can’t guess. but if it helps I’ll list some of the functions i want and # of servo’s each will require.
Aft Propulsion: 1x- ESC " robotmarketplace.com/products/IFI-V885.html "
Steering System: 2x- ESC " robotmarketplace.com/products/IFI-V884.html "
Spot Lights: 7 total. 1- on/off switch each and 1-servo for 90-145 degree rotation Each " working out servo that’s cheapest but can handle the lights movement. As well as heat. will go LED if can find right ones.
Guns: 24- 1- light servo each and a firing mechanism.
Elevator to lift planes- 1- sail winch servo- medium to heavy duty to lift planes to deck.
Hull side doors- 4- each with 1 door servo and 1 push arm servo to launch “push” a boat out.
Sub door- 1- this one is most far fetched of my ideas. will hopefully be able to launch one from under ship but looks like to much design work so far.
Camera’s- 5 “estimate only” 3 with single axis rotation “1 servo”. 2 with full axis rotation.“2 servo’s”