NEO-M8P-2 RTK Relative Positioning possible?

Howdy folks,

I got a NEO-M8P-2 module configured as an RTK base station, transmitting RTCM3 over an RF connection (using RFD900x modules) to another NEO-M8P-2 module in the rover. The rover NEO-M8P-2 module receives and digests the RTCM3 data OK and goes into DGPS mode. I am mostly in RTK float precision mode because at the moment my antenna doesn’t have good 360 degree view (not sure if this information is relevant to my question to come but I am planning getting a longer cable so I can put the antenna on my roof until my robot is ready to be released in the wild :slight_smile:)

I have the rover GPS module connected via QWICC to a blackboard and I have been experimenting with the sparkfun ublox arduino library.

I am interested in working in relative navigation mode for my purposes. I came across Example5_Relativepositioninforomation.ino in the ZED-F9P example folder of the sparfun ublox arduino library. Since both the ZED-F9P and the NEO-M8P-2 examples apear to be based on the same GPS main arduino code, I hoped it would also work with the NEO-M8P-2, but it doesn’t appear so: I mean it runs, but it displays values that don’t make sense.

Question1: Can I work in relative positioning mode between my base station and rover with the NEO-M8P-2 modules, or is this something that is only possible with the ZED-F9P?

Question2: If so, what would I need to change in order to make the above mentioned example work with the NEO-M8P-2 module?

Question3: Does relative positioning only work when in RTK fixed mode, or should it also work in RTK float mode?

Thanks in advance
