New ARM Eclipse Tutorial

Atmel has just published my new tutorial “Using Open Source Tools for AT91SAM7 Cross Development - Revision B” on their web site. You may use the following direct link to download a zip file (5.84 mb) containing the tutorial in pfd format and the sample projects. …

This 145 page tutorial details how to download and install a complete ARM cross development system using free open-source tools.

This is a nearly total rewrite of the original tutorial I authored in October. Most notable is the use of Michael Fischer’s YAGARTO package and detailed information on how to program on-chip FLASH memory using OpenOCD in an Eclipse environment. I also improved the sample project to include examples of IRQ and FIQ interrupts. The target boards for this tutorial are the Atmel AT91SAM7S256-EK evaluation board and the Olimex SAM7-P64 board family.

As before, my tutorials are targetted to the novice so experienced readers may find much of this material obvious.

Please contact me if you find any mistakes; my email address is


Jim Lynch

Sounds good Jim,

When you get your breath back maybe an Addendum showing the differences and examples for LPC chips will be in order :smiley:


Jim: This tutorial is fantastic. The amount of idiot proof detail is wonderful.

You will definitely have more than 23 virgins when the time comes :slight_smile:

I had taken your LPC tutorial and then found YAGARTO. I am learning the Cortex M-3 Luminary chips and with great help from their tech support have managed tro get a working version of Eclipse/YAGARTO using the free Code Sourcery arm-none-eabi-gcc package (instead of WinArm). I even got managed make to work with a lot of trial and error. I have been using the Sourcery proprietary armswd.exe to talk to the Luminary eval board via USB.

Now that the OPENOCD team has included the Luminary board cfg file, I am going to attempt to get my system working with OpenOCD to be completely open source.

Your tutorial has filled in many gaps in my Eclipse and Makefile knowledge, and even though Cortex is a different flavor, it’s all ice cream!!

I’ll let you know how it comes.

Thanks again


The zip file on the Atmel site doesn’t include the six OpenOCD configuration files mentioned in the tutorial - sorry, my mistake. I’ve emailed Atmel with a correction but until they post the updated zip file, you can download the six configuration files from here:

I’ll post to the forum when the zip file on the Atmel site is corrected.


Jim Lynch

I have read, it is great. Thank you.