Hi All
For details of the utFAT (FAT32 compatible for SD cards) for the ATMEL AVR32 UC3A and UC3B see the following and its links:
The user’s guide is at http://www.utasker.com/docs/uTasker/uTasker_utFAT.PDF and explains SD card and FAT32 operation and shows also how the module can be fully simulated using the uTasker simulator. It is fully integrated into the uTasker FTP and HTTP servers and offers a DOS-like user menu interface.
For more technical details and discussion it has its own dedicated forum at [http://www.utasker.com/forum/index.php?board=10.0
PS. the utFAT module runs on SAM7X, AVR32, V2 Coldfires, Luminary LM3Sxxxx, NXP LPC2XXX and ST STR91XF families](http://www.uTasker.com)](utFAT)](uTaskerV1.4.3 AVR32 release with utFAT)