Historically I have worked with PICAXE controllers but am looking into playing with AVR controllers. My question is this:
The Arduino is the hardware development platform for ATMEGA chips?
If I understand correctly, C/C++ is what is used. this works out well since I have been a web developer for years and have plenty of C based programming experience.
Can anyone confirm or deny my assumptions? Any other “getting started” advice is warmly welcome.
The Arduino can be programmed in assembler or C, and a user-friendly development system based on C but suitable for complete beginners is available. See the Arduino website.
So do certain Arduino dev boards only work for specific ATMEGA chips?
Once development is done, the MCU is yanked from the Arduino and placed in a final circuit?
When I buy an ATMEGA chip, does it need to have the Andurino boot strap loaded?
Thanks for answering newbie questions.