Hello. I’m patrick. My SIK is en route. I’m trying to learn as much as I can before it gets here. Reading tutorials. Was reading a book today on Arduino for beginners.
I found out a ‘sketch’ stays on the board until another is uploaded? Do these take up memory, or does one replace the other? Ok, so if I do the 1st project, lighting up an LED on the breadboard, when I upload the sketch, that turns it on? How does it turn off? Or doesn’t it, until I physically remove the circuit? And the sketch remains until replaced?
Where does one get the sketches :lol: Do the 1st 15 projects come with the sketches?
I’m so overwhelmed and I haven’t even got my kit yet :shock:
wondering if my new kit has the dreaded ‘red breadboard’? I heard they will be coming with white soon.
do Moderators answer questions in here. The forum looks to be quite active, that’s great. I was over at Adafruit’s forum and they are very, very, accomodating there. I’m so grateful…
thank you to all who reply, it helps…