Newbie - Arm920T options for programming flash?

I’m just getting started with Arms so I’m mostly clueless about how to go about things. I think I’ve for the brute force flash programming method figured out: JTAG wiggler clone and a flash programmer. I’ll be making the wiggler board today and attempting to use OpenOCD and Yagarto to program the flash (which will probably take 50 times longer to figure out than making the jtag board heh).

I’m wondering though if its possible to use the wiggler to download a flash programmer into the Arm ram and have that read from serial, USB ethernet, or SD card and program the flash? Seems that those would probably be faster than the dirt cheap wiggler clone.

Oh, and I’m attempting to get Debian linux installed, it has an S3C2410 package.

Forgot to say my board has:

K9F1208U0C * 64mx8 NAND FLASH

K4S561632H - UL75 * 256Kx16 SRAM

AM29LV800DB-70EC * 1Mx8 boot sector flash memory

If that makes any difference

Actually, I just discovered the tiny-usb jtag programmer at a Canadian distributor so I ordered that instead. Faster downloads but the original question still stands.