newbie requests help regarding openOCD and buspirate

Hello all

I am a newbie trying to gain experience in openOCD and arm lpc1768

i have a ngx technologies blueboard lpc1768 and a bus pirate

i wanted to setup bus pirate as a JTAG adapter for programming the blueboard

As per freddies post

i downloaded the openOCD 0.4.0 executable from his site and installed it

i also flashed the bus pirate to version 4.2 which supports JTAG

now in the openOCD bin directory when i run the following command

openocd -f interface\buspirate.cfg -f target\lpc1768.cfg

i get the following error

(attached as an image)

i am an absolute newbie to openOCD and have no idea of how to get around setting it up.

Please help me setup openOCD on windows for bus pirate
