No devices detected on Qwiicbus

I am connecting a Open Log Artemis with a KX134 accelerometer. Everything is connected correctly and I can configure the Open Log Artemis but the Board just can’t find any Devices. When I start the board I always get the same message:
Unknown device at address (0x1F)
Which is confusing because I want to use the sensor in I²C which should have the default address 0x1E.
Is the sensor just broken or am I doing something wrong?

did you change the ADDR jumper from 0x1f to 0x1e on the back of the board. Default looks to be 0x1f (pull up to 3v3).

I didn’t change any jumpers on the board.

check the ADDR solder - jumper on the back is set to 0x1e

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If I have a new Sensor (KX134) and a new Open Log Artemis, the µC should autodetect the Sensor if connected correctly, right?


Please check which firmware version your OpenLog Artemis is running. It needs to be >= 2.5.1 for the KX134.

I hope this helps,

it was running on 2.7 V10 v111.bin.
Which version from 2.5 do you recommend?


Hi Yannick,

v2.7 is the latest. Please check you are using the correct binary. v111 is a very old version. Look for V10-v27.

Best wishes,

what is the difference between V10 and X04?

V10 is the red retail version, X04 was the experimental black (SparkX) version.

OLA has gone red! While the original black version is pretty cool, the new official SparkFun version of OLA adds better power control over the Qwiic bus, a voltage divider to monitor LiPo levels, and a variety of small but great improvements. This page remains for those who have the original OpenLog Artemis X04.

Hi Yannick,

Please see the link below.

This reminds me that I need to do a full release of v2.8… The BETA version is working well.

Best wishes,

Version 2.8 just went live. It is working well with the KX134 on address 0x1F.


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I think there is a bug in the configuration settings. I cannot change the settings to 32g but to all the other values.

Thanks Yannick,

Yes, there is a bug here. Thank you for finding it.

I will fix this and re-issue the firmware.

Best wishes,

If you find any more bugs, please report them here:

Thank you.

Hi Yannick (@Yannick_noah ),

The v28 binaries have been updated. Please re-download and give it a try.

Best wishes,

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