No fix on GPS logger shield

Hello, I am following the directions on: … assthrough

but I do not get a light for the GPS fix, nor serial output. I’m using Uno and I have the switch set to SW-UART and a new CR-1225 is installed. Please advise.



If you switch it to HW and use the hardware serial sketch with pins 0 & 1 then do you get any data?

Thank you for the reply.

First problem with this was when I verified I got “‘Serial1’ was not declared in this scope.” So I changed this to “Serial”. It compiled but then seemed to get stuck uploading. So I changed the switch to SW and it uploaded, then changed the switch back to HW. Still no blue fix light nor data. Please advise.

Can you try uploading with HW, with the shield detached. After reupload, reattach the shield and hit reset on the controller board. Let me know if that does anything.

Did as requested and still no light nor data.

At this point I would suggest that you should try a replacement. You can request for an RMA here:

Hello again,

I got the new shield (thank you), and I have a solid blue light. But no data seen on the serial monitor. Again I am back to the “SoftwareSerial Port Example” with an Uno. Please advise.



Disregard my most recent post. I had ordered the incorrect stackable headers (10007) and thought these would work by not connecting IOREFF, SDA and SCL. But now I think otherwise…

Will get the correct headers and try again.

Working! Got the replacement shield with the correct headers and I am seeing GPS data. Thank you for the assistance,
