I got 315MHz RF TX (XETX01A) and RF RX( XERE01A) product of [Xenon.
The 1st thing i hv to do to make sure the device work is send data frm a hyprterm to a MAX232 to the RF TX module then receive back by the RX module back to the MAX232 CMOS i/p then…lastly the MAX232 o/p is send to the hyperterm through RS232 Receive pin. its kinda making U loop while testing our hyperterm SW…the only different is i’m through the RF modules.
The problem is…the hyperterm seem to receiving a lot of unrecognize data…even though i’ve not yet send anything…it also always receive framming error and break. btw, U loop testing trough the MAX232 is working good.
Anybody know how to filter out this noise?
Plese help. :)](http://www.xenon-tech.com)