Nordic EN_AA--Auto-Ack(why not?)

I’ve been using the Nordic FOB and transceivers with good success. However, at a big event a few weeks ago, I had interference issues when in a building with lots of Wi-Fi.

I re-read the nrf24l01 spec and tutorial see an Auto-Ack feature that would seem to be painless from a code standpoint and might really help eliminate the interference issues.

But, the sample code that comes with the SparkFun FOB and transceivers doesn’t use the auto-ack, auto-retransmit features. So, I figure there may be some complications I don’t see.

So, before I got down that path, I’d ask if anyone has already “been there, done that”.


Dave Thomas

I have a tutorial on it at my website with sample code (tutorial 2). It works pretty well in my opinion. You can also try to couple that with the CD bit, and possibly do some frequency agility if you find a lot of traffic on your RF channel.

Great, I’ll give it a try.

Have you also used multiple pipes on the same RF frequency?

Also, I might add two way payloads–this may complicate things a bit.


dave Thomas

Yup, I think that’s tutorial 3. 8)