Not Getting "FIXED" with F9P and NEO-D9S

Hi Paul,

I use example 10 only to check the D9S of the combo board and I have connected the ESP 32 with I2C,

I see on the monitor the setup printings.

The antenna has a clear view, but I realised that the sparkfun antenna magnetic L1/L2 does not work with the european frequency (1545) and the antenna has 1559 MHZ.

Are you in Europe?

Which antenna can I use?



in addition:

I see on the monitor L-band configuration ok!

The photo I will send tomorrow.

Hi Bernhard,

I am in the UK…

Which antenna are you using? You mentioned u-blox L1/L2 in your first post. If it is this one - - it should work ok. But it works best when mounted on a ground plane - like the roof of a car.

For best results, this antenna is ideal:

Please do send the photo and I will take a look.

Thank you,


Hi Paul,

yes I have that u-blox antenna. But I do not get a lock. I see a red dot in the u-center, when I go tp PMX. I have ordered a new combo board. If I use a combo board, is there anything, which I have to configure ? Do I have to go

through the u-blox configuration manual for D9S and F9P?

Thanks for your answer.


Hi Bernhard,

I am sorry you are having so many problems with this.

I have used that u-blox antenna many times for L-Band (NEO-D9S). When I am visiting SparkFun Headquarters, I put them on the building parapet - the edge of the roof. It is flat metal sheet. The view of the sky is almost perfect. They work well - on the US frequency. The EU frequency is only a little different so I would expect it to work equally well.

Example2 ( … th_NEO-D9S ) configures both the NEO-D9S and ZED-F9P correctly. If you have added your keys correctly, and changed to the EU frequency, it should “just work”. I tested a combo board here yesterday just to make sure and it worked well.

Example1 ( … EO-D9S.ino ) is the simplest. It only configures the NEO-D9S. The only change required is to use the EU frequency. You should see “New PMP data received:” every ~two seconds. If you do not, it indicates a problem with signal reception.

I was mistaken earlier. The RXM-PMP message is enabled by default on the NEO-D9S USB port. The extra line of code I sent to you is redundant. But it will do no harm, and will ensure the message is enabled.

I do not understand " I see a red dot in the u-center, when I go tp PMX". Please check you are connected to the NEO-D9S, not the ZED-F9P. In the Messages View, select RXM-PMP and you should see User Data every ~two seconds. Please see the attached image.

I am beginning to think your combo board may be faulty. Please try the new one when it arrives, for comparison. We can arrange a return if necessary.

Very best wishes,


I honestly get a lot better signal out of the RTL-SDR L-Band pointed at the satellite. I miter cut a piece of lumber at 50 degrees to prop the antenna at 40 degrees to the horizon. Outside of Chicago it’s in the southern sky, relatively low. Probably same situation in UK. If you can identify the bird it’s on you can compute the best visibility from your location. … alculator/ … figuration

Probably helps less with the combo receiver single feed.

Should probably look to getting the UBX-MON-PMP working so you can report dBHz on the display. I’ve describe the packet form in the uBlox forum thread.

Alphasat I-XL aka Inmarsat-4A F4 at 25°E

Good evening Paul,

I have ordered a combo and a u-blox L1 /L2 magnetic antenna with sparkfun directly and the items are in Germany waiting for custom release. As soon I hve them on my desk I do a test. If the first combo has a fult, I would appreciate a support for a return.



Alphasat I-XL aka Inmarsat-4A F4 at 25°E

Address: 51.5072, 0.1276 - London, England

Latitude: 51.5072°

Longitude: 0.1276°

Satellite: 24.8E ALPHASAT

Elevation: 26.7°

Azimuth (true): 149.6°

Azimuth (magn.): 148.7°

Address: 52.5200, 13.4050 - Berlin, Germany

Latitude: 52.5200°

Longitude: 13.4050°

Satellite: 24.8E ALPHASAT

Elevation: 29.0°

Azimuth (true): 165.8°

Azimuth (magn.): 160.8°

Hi Cleve,

thanks for the help.

What can I do with your datas.

I stay near Stuttgart. 48.886300, 9.545600



Hi Paul,

I got the combo including the antenna, but I do not get a result.

I work with the IDE D9S Example 1 and do not get a RXM PMP message.

The combo came with the firmware 1.13 and I will update it to 1.32, but this is not the problem.-

The problem is not getting L1 signals. I can not see anything in u-center, when I go to RXM PMP.

I work outdoors with clear view to the sky in south direction.

As far, as I understand the como has to work with your code D9S Example 1. Correct?

In the example I have only changed the frequency to eu.

As I explained, I use the u-blox antenna, which you are using also.

Do you think I need an antenna with eu frequency? But the u.-blox wokrs with you ?

What is my fault?



Hi Paul,

I did a summery of my project steps. May be this helps you (and me)!

My project steps:

I took

  • a brand-new antenna (u-blox ANN-MB-00-00. L1 1559-1606 MHz /L2 1197-1249 MH.)

-a brand-new sparkfun combo (D9S + F9P)

I uploaded the firmware 1.32, but no other changes via u-center

-a ESP 32 board and the example 2 of github L-Band PMP overSerial

“Use the NEO-D9S L-Band receiver to provide corrections to a ZED-F9x via UBX-RXM-PMP

By: SparkFun Electronics / Paul Clark

v3 updates: Decembe 22nd, 2022

This example shows how to obtain SPARTN correction data from a NEO-D9S L-Band receiver

and push it over I2C to a ZED-F9x.”

I have uncommend //#define noPush

I uncommented the EU frequency

I put my PointPerfect keys in the sercret.h

The wiring :

Antenna -->combo–>qwicc–>ESP 32 board–>usb–>macbook–>code example 2 with three changes.

On the arduino monitor I see

17:35:51.125 → Lat: 48.8862077 Long: 9.5455781 Height: 334.765 Fix: 3 (3D) Carrier Solution: 0 (None) Horizontal Accuracy Estimate: 553 (mm)

17:35:52.060 → Lat: 48.8862077 Long: 9.5455781 Height: 334.758 Fix: 3 (3D) Carrier Solution: 0 (None) Horizontal Accuracy Estimate: 553 (mm)

17:35:53.071 → Lat: 48.8862078 Long: 9.5455782 Height: 334.752 Fix: 3 (3D) Carrier Solution: 0 (None) Horizontal Accuracy Estimate: 553 (mm)

17:35:54.066 → Lat: 48.8862078 Long: 9.5455782 Height: 334.745 Fix: 3 (3D) Carrier Solution: 0 (None) Horizontal Accuracy Estimate: 553 (mm)

But no PMP message.

It seems I do not get a satellite lock!

What is my fault?

Can it be the antenna? Do I need one with European frequency on L1 (1545,26MHz)?



PS My last project with sparkfun ZEDF9P and IP correction is working well.

Hi Bernhard,

I am sorry - I do not understand why it is not working for you.

As I said earlier, I use the ANN-MB-00-00 antenna when I visit SparkFun in the USA and it works well for L-Band (NEO-D9S). But I have not tried it in the UK. I will buy and test an antenna as soon as possible, just to make sure.

Very best wishes,


GPS L1 is at 1575.42 MHz, I’m not sure where the bottom end of the ANN-MB is at but the US L-Band 1556.29 MHz, and I’m pretty sure the ones I have don’t work for L-Band demodulation. I would not recommend. The EU L-Band is even further away.

Based on the AMO part from the original design, the bottom end is 1559.00 MHz. … na-circuit

There might have been different SAW filter options, but I’ve bought other antennas which are either explicitly L-Band, or L1/L2/L5/L-Band rated.

The SPARTN G-MOUSE device does not have a tight SAW filter, and I can get 45-47 dBHz signals reported via UBX-MON-PMP, and that’s where you want to be to get the BER/FEC numbers very low

Hi Bernhard,

I mentioned it earlier. The ANN-MB-00-00 antenna works best on a metal ground plane. The roof of your car is ideal - if it is metal. The lid of a metal biscuit tin works well too.

Best wishes,


The design documents anticipate a 150 mm diameter ground plate.

Here we use pie tins, dog bowls or pizza dishes as a super cheap proxies, and eBay has a lot of CNC cut waste material discs.

The EU L-Band satellite is also at a much shallower angle than the US L-Band, obviously depend on location. Niwot CO is south of me, and significantly more south than UK/GERMANY

Address: 40.1039,-105.1708, Niwot CO

Latitude: 40.1039°

Longitude: -105.1708°

Satellite: 97.6W INMARSAT 4-F3

Elevation: 43.0°

Azimuth (true): 168.3°

Azimuth (magn.): 160.5°

What can I do with your datas.

I stay near Stuttgart. 48.886300, 9.545600

Address: 48.886300, 9.545600 - Stuttgart, Germany

Latitude: 48.8863°

Longitude: 9.5456°

Satellite: 24.8E ALPHASAT

Elevation: 32.0°

Azimuth (true): 160.1°

Azimuth (magn.): 156.3°

You’ll get optimal signal if you orientate the antenna/ground plane at the geo-stationary satellite. Although not optimal for a navigation antenna, it might allow you to acquire signal, and trouble-shoot the situation. Use a 60 degree set-square to angle at horizon at 30 degrees. Or use a digital miter/angle gauge.

Hi Bernhard,

We have been looking in detail at the frequency response of the ANN-MB-00 antenna. It is OK for the US frequency, but is not OK for the EU frequency. The signal will be attenuated by approximately 8dB. That is very significant. I am sorry, but the ANN-MB-00 is not a good choice for the EU. You will get much better results with a dedicated L1/L2/L-Band antenna.

I have ordered a ANN-MB-00. I will test it as soon as it arrives, but I do not think it will perform well.

I gave you bad advice. I am sorry about that. If you need to return the antenna, please see:

Very best wishes,


Good Morning Paul,

Yesterday I looked the whole day after an antenna for EU and I found some, but I’m not sure, if they are working with the combo.

Do you have some information, which antennas are working? I want to avoid to collect the wrong antennas. :wink: .

I found e.g. Tallysman 3972 a tripple antenna. Does it work with the splitter in the combo. The frequencies are ok.

My next concern is the azimut of the satelites in Europe. Do you know how many combos are installed in Europe?

Thanks for your support and working in this field means you have to be patient!



Good morning Bernhard,

Do you know how many combos are installed in Europe?

I am sorry, I do not. I could find out how many boards have been shipped from SparkFun direct to European customers, but that is not quite the same thing. I am in Sunderland UK (Latitude 55) and the combo board works well for me with a Beitian BT-800S L1/L2/L5/L-Band antenna.

Looking at the Tallysman TW3972, it appears ideal:

It covers 1545MHz - the EU PointPerfect frequency (L-Band Correction)

It covers L1, L2 and L5 and so will work with new L1/L5 (u-blox NEO-F9P) and triple-band GNSS modules (Septentrio mosaic-X5)

It is active and works from 2.5V to 16V. It draws only 24mA. That is perfect

It comes with a circular ground plane

I would be happy to buy one and test it. Mouser have the 33-3972-01-01 in stock: TNC connector, white conical radome (helps prevent snow build-up!). Let me know if I should test it for you.

Best wishes,
