Not Getting "FIXED" with F9P and NEO-D9S

Has anyone had success getting the F9P example script (Example19_LBand_Corrections_with_NEO-D9S) to run and get RTK lock? When I run it, I don’t get FLOAT or FIXED, just “Carrier Solution (None)”.

A little background on my setup: I am using an F9P connected via I2C (and UART2 concurrently) to the NEO-D9S. My antenna is a roof-top mounted Ublox multi band with clear view of sky. I connect to the F9P via a Teensy 3.6 with I2C. So the setup is

MacbookPro - USB - Teency3.6 - I2C - F9P - I2C/UART2 - D9S

When I take the same setup and run it through U-Center, I get FIXED lock within a couple of minutes. That setup is

Win10 - USBC - F9P - I2C/UART2 - D9S

My guess is that there’s some parameter that’s either missing from the Example19 script, or that’s different than the U-Center defaults. It could also be something related to the Example19 script using I2C to talk to the D9S, whereas U-Center uses the UART2. I’ve spent several hours trying different things with the Example19 script, but no luck thus far.

Any suggestions appreciated!!


Duplicate post?

yes, not seeing edit feature so i can delete it