I’m use nRF24L01 to connect with ATMEGA2560 and ATMEGA64 MCU.
ATMEGA64 —> ATMAGA2560 (Problem)
The problem is occur when ATMEGA64 side send data to ATMEGA2560 side
(Bit TX_DR and MAX_RT of nRF24L01 STATUS register is no set and also ATMEGA2560 side is cannot receive data)
But no problem when ATMEGA2560 side send data to ATMEGA64 side.
(Bit TX_DR is set incase of ATMEGA64 side can receive data correctly, or bit MAX_RT is set incase of ATMEGA64 side cannot receive data).
Both MCU is using same firmware lib for nRF24L01.
And we already try to chage new 3 pcs of nRF24L01 module at ATMEGA64 side.
Attached file is register read result during the problem is occur.
Could you please help to advice ?
Best regards,