I have successfully created a link using two nRF24L01 in a 1Mb shock burst mode. I transmit 10 times per second and use auto-ack. My receivers IRQ is functioning as excepted after each receive. The link uses the auto-ack features so my transmitter knows if some things wrong, like turning off the receiver.
I changed my transmitter so that it is only supplied with power (on VDD) for about 10mS and tries to transmit only one time. Then the power is turned off. At a later time the power is cycled again for 10mS and a single transmit is attempted. The code is unchanged. The rx side is always powered up. After first powering up the rx data is received and IRQ flag is set only once following transmits fail to cause IRQ to be set. The auto-ack feature is working and the transmitter gets acknowledgements every time. So the link is working but rx side fails to use IRQ.
If I keep tx powered up and transmit multiple times everything works great. Rx IRQ works with every transmit.
Since it works at least once with 10mS timing I think the tx side is ok.
Any ideas why the receiver side is not using IRQ correctly?