nRF52840 I2S output

Hi, I’m using the ATP Carrier Board, and and trying to get the “First Test” running from here: … -guide/all

It’s unclear to me what pins I could connect for this. It looks to me like the the PDM pins are hardcoded and hard wired into the I2S clock and data pins on the ATP, and I’ve confirmed that plugging in a PDM mic into those pins seems to work.

So what about I2S? It looks like the processor supports assigning the I2S peripheral to lots of different pins, but I’m at a loss as to how that would be done through Arduino. (Which I’m pretty new to)

My ultimate use case involves handling input through a PDM mic and outputting to a speaker over I2S (with some processing).

Any guidance? How does one write to the registers that tell the processor which pins are the I2S pins? How do you know what to write? And how could I have figured that out without involving you fine people?