Older RF device question


Just about 12 years ago, which is when the NYU ITP classes made a popint of buying in bulk from Sparkfun and two other firms, I bought a pair of devices. Both are 434Mhz devices, transmitter and receiver ones, and resemble the current pair listed for sale. That being said I’d like to apply them for communicating with the classic something else, for starters it would be a board running Arduino code to a board who is running Arduino code directly. I grok that for two way communications the methods require a pair of devices running at say 315Mhz. But for starters I am looking for help tracking down both devices, well tracking down more information, the transmiter baggie has on it WRL-08950. The receiver does not have any label on it.

I think posting a picture of the receiver may help more.


And for what it is worth, I agree.

That’s it in the same bag it came in. Box is of QWiic cables.

I remember those, if memory serves me correctly that’s the transmitter. The receiver was more rectangular. (Short and wide)

Range wasn’t all that great and they picked up all sorts of interference from other devices on the same frequency. There was also no error detection or correction so you’d have to handle all that in your code.

You might look into the RFM69. It’s a little more complex to drive but works way better and has good range.


I kind of wish sparkfun had made a xbee like board out of these, it would have been awesome.

I remember those, if memory serves me correctly that’s the transmitter. The receiver was more rectangular. (Short and wide)

Range wasn’t all that great and they picked up all sorts of interference from other devices on the same frequency. There was also no error detection or correction so you’d have to handle all that in your code.

You might look into the RFM69. It’s a little more complex to drive but works way better and has good range.


I kind of wish sparkfun had made a xbee like board out of these, it would have been awesome.


Um no. That’s the receiver. The transmitter was in fact the bag with the WRL number on it, which prompted me to contact Sparkfun itself. :?: And the person back there confirmed what I’d already figured out from asking Google about the SKU# because the pair are about all of 12 years of age. The person confirmed that it was indeed retired, but did not say when. I’ve since ordered a pair of 315Mhz devices which arrived today.




That’s odd. Because the person whom communicated with me about these, suggested otherwise. Yes the page I pulled up does confirm our discussion. And yes I freely admit being wrong on which is which. The photo is indeed its transmitter, the one we found is the receiver. How long is Sparkfun supposed to keep pages up for retired gadgetry? That would be a big help.

I think they all are up, they are just hard to find.

If you have a part numbers, search the numerical part and when it isn’t found click on "retired products " and you will usually find what you’re after. :slight_smile:

If you have the matching 434 MHz receiver to the transmitter shown in the photo above, that pair should still work fine. I’ve been using those for years to monitor cars passing through a driveway gate about 300m from the house. Use the VirtualWire library to encode and decode data.

Both modules need 17cm (1/4 wave) straight wire antennas, or better, a 34 cm (1/2 wave) dipole, shown in the photo attached below: