Olimex MSP430-P1611 and voltage

I’m lost .I bought adapter MWSI895GS which is regulated 500mA plug in AC/DC adaptor (1.5V - 12V). I set it to 4.5V with output current 800mA.

I measure voltage on 3.3V pins and i measure 3.05V. If i change adapter to 6V,there’s 4.1V which is over the limit for MSP430.

I checked the datasheet of DS1117 3.3V, input voltage must be : 1,5V<Vin-Vout<12V.

Also i checked the R52 and R51 values and there are set right to 3.3V output…

Pins on the regulator are showing the next values - Ground/Adjust:1.89V Vout:3.05V Vin:3.11V. At powerjack is 4.5V input.

What’s wrong in my casE?How could regulate not working properly? :frowning:

It sounds as though the regulator is faulty.