One-Wire connection for Sparkfun esp8266 Thing

My question about product 13231. (Sparkfun ESP8266 Thing)

Is 1-wire connection supported for Sparkfun Thing?

I see an example with Sparkfun Thing with RHT01 which works with 1-wire, however, I could not find any documentation about the 1-wire support.

I want to use ds18b20 temperature sensor with 1-wire connection. Is it possible?

Hi ilker.bekmezci,

From what I can tell, Paul Stoffregen’s [OneWire Library should work just fine with ESP32 and ESP8266-based development boards. If you run into any issues, I would recommend searching in the “Issues” tab on that GitHub repository for solutions to common problems with ESP32.](GitHub - PaulStoffregen/OneWire: Library for Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire Chips)