OpenLog Artemis not work on latest firmware

I have a OpenLog Artemis and Qwiic PT100 connecting to Geophone sensor.

The OLA was running on firmware v1.10, everything is normal, can write to SD Card, and can detect Qwiic PT100 (1.png), but when I load in Geophone Logger firmware v1.0, it shows SD Card offline, Datalogging offline, and can’t detect PT100 too (2.png).

I tried to load latest OLA firmware v2.0, I get the same error too, SD Card offline, Datalogging offline, does this mean my OLA board can’t support new firmware?



The Geophone Logger code is old. I wrote it for the original SparkX version of OLA - X04, with the black circuit board. Looking at the binaries folder, it looks like I never compiled a binary for the SparkFun version - v10 with the red circuit board.

I will try to find time to compile a new binary for you.

The latest version of the OLA firmware is v2.1. Please make sure you are using the correct version for your board. If you have the red circuit board, you need OpenLog_Artemis-V10-v21.bin - not OpenLog_Artemis-X04-v21.bin.

Best wishes,


Hi Paul

Is the updated geophone binary available?

Hi maj8,

I’m sorry. No. Updating the geophone firmware has been on my things-to-do list for a long time, but I still have not found time to work on it…

My plan is to update the firmware so it will: run on both the original SparkX OLA and the newer SparkFun versions; run under Apollo3 v2.2.1; work with the ADS122C04, ADS1015 and ADS1219.

Please keep reminding me - I will get to it eventually…!

Adding a link to your other post: viewtopic.php?p=248778#p248778

Best wishes,


Hi Paul

Many thanks for your swift response. The reason I am keen to get the geophone working is because we are trying to monitor the blasting activity at a quarry local to our community. The quarry company is being very sneaky and have just applied for a massive extension to the quarry - even though is was due to close in 2025. Local residents are very upset and we are gathering data that can be used to illustrate the impact the quarrying activity is having on the local community including the landscape and wildlife. If I can get the geophone working my plan is to put several around the local area to map the effect of blasting. In other areas, we have been developing a multisensor underwater environmental monitor using the OLA as the basis it would be great to talk you through this at some point as we hope to deploy it in various parts of the world to collect environmental data remotely.

Kind regards


Hi Mark,

Apologies for the delay. I’ve upgraded the OpenLog Artemis Geophone Logger firmware so it will run on the SparkFun (Red) versions of the OLA. The release notes are here: … s/tag/v2.0

Please give it a go… … one_Logger … n/Binaries …

Best wishes,
