openlog Artemis power off LiPo and qwicc

Hello, first time asking here but seems best place for a answer

I have a openlog Artemis and neo-M8N as a portable GPS logger and plan of using a Lipo from the openlog to power them but also want to connect the neo-M8N to my pc to check it in ucenter, I’ve noticed that powers the openlog as well over the qwicc connector and worried that would cause issues somewhere if lipo was also providing power

Would this be safe or not and if not what else can I do to power the setup while keeping connection option to the neo-M8N?, Tried external USB power but current draw is so low most powerbanks shutdown as think nothing is connected


When you are powering the system from the NEO USB, the 3.3V regulator on the NEO breakout is “back feeding” power to the 3.3V rail on the OpenLog Artemis (OLA). That’s OK.

If you also have LiPo connected, the OLA’s 3.3V regulator will also be powered up. One regulator output will be slightly higher than the other and will “win” in terms of delivering power to the combined system. I’ve never seen this cause problems or issues.

You may find that your LiPo battery still discharges when you have the NEO USB connected. But that should be the only weird thing that happens.

I hope this helps,
