OpenOCD 0.4.0 cofiguration for OLIMEX ARM-USB-TINY-H

I don’t know whether this really helps but below my script that I use to flash SAM7-EX256 board.

Environment: Ubuntu 10.04 / openocd 0.3.1 / ARM-USB-TINY


source [find interface/olimex-jtag-tiny.cfg]
source [find target/sam7x256.cfg]

Start OpenOCD in the folder where the openocd.cfg file is, this ensures that it uses that file. The command that I use to flash the file (via telnet connection) is:

flash write_bank 0 sam7-ex256-kernel.bin 0x0

If you have other interface / target then you need to change the correct one to the openocd.cfg script file, however it might be that you can you same target for several boards, I for example use sam7x256.cfg target file to flash SAM7S header boards also.