OpenOCD 0.5.0 and STM32L15x


Does anyone know when the next version of OpenOCD is going to be released and whether it would include support for STM32L15x. Also, it appears to me that the main difference in that chip and STM32Fx (in terms of integrating it with OpenOCD) is in the flash memory unit. I am bit new to OpenOCD hence the question - is it possible to include flash drivers in a modular fasion to OpenOCD?

Thank you in advance

Im also new to OpenOCD i have worked with STM32 board.but not much deep. i tried to use it for boundryscanning. currently stm 32 is supporting for openocd.if the configuration file is there u can connnect it to openocd with suitagle adapter. but if the configuration file for stm32 is not available then u have to write the configuration file. what is the difference between stm32 and stm32L15x ? Thanks