OpenOcd on Mac OSX 10.7.x

Hi folks!

try to install OpenOcd on my iMac- comes with errors and cannot install.

Maybe someone have a better experience with and can help?

Some workarounds?

Best regards,


P.S. trying to install for FTDI and Seggers JLink- nothing works… :frowning:

I’ve followed [this guide and it has worked pretty well so far for Mac OS X 10.7.3.

I am using a very recent version of Xcode, so I have had to make one adjustment to MacPorts to allow it compile.

I edited /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf where I set the developer_dir setting:

developer_dir /

I changed this path because MacPorts wants to build using the clang compiler, and I noticed that, for me, clang is located in /usr/bin. Once I did this, MacPorts installed OpenOCD perfectly.

Note though: I have not connected any hardware yet, but eclipse is able to compile just fine so far. I am using an Olimex ARM-USB-OCD that just arrived from Sparkfun.](Light of the World: Part 1: Mac OS + Eclipse + OpenOCD + STM32 (ARM Cortex M3))