We are using the OTOS unit for our FTC robot this season. We have had success using the system until last night when we started receiving an “Error communicating with I2C device(s) ‘sensor_otos’. Check your wiring and configuration.” We have checked the wiring and configuration multiple times. We moved to a different port, updated the config and got the same error. Has anyone been able to resolve this issue?
What else has changed?
Is anything else on the i2c bus?
If the sensor is not appearing via i2c scan: It might be worth attempting to disable the i2c pull-up resistors and see if it pops up Hardware Overview - SparkFun Optical Tracking Odometry Sensor - PAA5160E1 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide
There is actually nothing else on that bus for the control hub. So it looks like I would have to break the connection of the pull up resistor?
If I only have the OTOS on the I2C, will disabling the pull up resister make it never work unless I have something else connected? The instruction you copied implies that one resistor has to stay intact.
Sorry, forgot to answer your first question about what changed. We added a power distribution block from AndyMark. We did push code from another programmer’s computer, but tried to run our original auto program and it definitely was not seeing the sensor. I don’t think there has been anything else. It has been really dry here with a lot of static shocks. We always have the chassis ground in place, but is there still a risk to the OTOS?
Hi there,
Shouldn’t need to disable the pullup resistors, though it shouldn’t hurt either (the Control Hub has built-in pullup resistors).
Does the red power LED on the OTOS illuminate when plugged in and your robot is powered on? If not, you could have a bad cable or bad connector.
Can you try swapping the cable to the other Qwiic connector? And closely inspect both Qwiic connectors for bent pins, that can sometimes cause problems. The image below is an example of a Qwiic connector with bent pins (this can happen if you insert the connector at an angle instead of straight):
If that’s not it, then you could try connecting the OTOS to an Arduino or other microcontroller and run an I2C scan to at least see if it’s responding at all. If so, then you could try using our Arduino library to at least verify that it functions. If it doesn’t respond to an I2C scan, then your OTOS may have been fried by something (there is some ESD protection on the OTOS, but it’s impossible to protect against all ESD).
Hope this helps!
We tested our OTOS on another team’s robot (new cable and control hub) with the same result (no communication). I inspected the pins and they look perfect. OTOS power light does turn on when plugged in. I also tried the cable in the other Qwiic connector with the same result.
Alrighty; Was it purchased from us? If so head over to Returns (contact vendor if purchased elsewhere) and we’ll get ya squared away
Yes, we bought it directly from Sparkfun. I actually filled out the return form a few days ago, but haven’t heard anything back. Should I fill it out again?
Nope - just await a response (and check spam folder, etc)