OS X support removed


I want to use openocd with ftd2xx driver under os x.

Unfortunatly I can’t get it compiled anymore because configure doesn’t find a libftd2xx.a file. In my system the file is located ad /usr /local/lib/libftd2xx.0.1.6.dylib How can I get openocd compile?

Use the opensource libftdi http://www.intra2net.com/en/developer/libftdi/

Note that you’ll need to recompile openocd with a flag to emable libftdi support instead of ftd2xx

I’m using the libftdi version at the moment. But how can I use ftd2xx?

I was able to use the ftd2xx driver before …

just in case you haven’t seen the solution:

open up the configure file and search for this line:

# Must be linux -
# Cause FTDICHIP does not supply a MAC-OS version
if test $host_os != linux-gnu && test $host_os != linux; then

then make that line look like:

if test $host_os != linux-gnu && test $host_os != linu && test $host_os != darwin9.6.0; then

Also make sure that the libftd2xx.0.*.dylib is in either /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib.

then do: ```
./configure --enable-ft2232_ftd2xx

I'm really puzzled why the developers assume that libftd2xx is not supplied on Mac OS X? The files are right available on the FTDI D2xx page.

Thank you. I haven’t seen this solution before.

I think OSX is not used widely and developers haven’t thought about OSX when writing the configure script. Thats all.

For me, i like my OSX. Unix based system with good GUI. Best parts of open source and commercial world :wink:

For me, i like my OSX. Unix based system with good GUI. Best parts of open source and commercial world :wink:

Yup! After too many years of using MS Windows to just emulate Unix, why not use the real thing?