I want to use openocd with ftd2xx driver under os x.
Unfortunatly I can’t get it compiled anymore because configure doesn’t find a libftd2xx.a file. In my system the file is located ad /usr /local/lib/libftd2xx.0.1.6.dylib How can I get openocd compile?
Use the opensource libftdi http://www.intra2net.com/en/developer/libftdi/
Note that you’ll need to recompile openocd with a flag to emable libftdi support instead of ftd2xx
I’m using the libftdi version at the moment. But how can I use ftd2xx?
I was able to use the ftd2xx driver before …
March 11, 2009, 5:34pm
just in case you haven’t seen the solution:
open up the configure file and search for this line:
# Must be linux -
# Cause FTDICHIP does not supply a MAC-OS version
if test $host_os != linux-gnu && test $host_os != linux; then
then make that line look like:
if test $host_os != linux-gnu && test $host_os != linu && test $host_os != darwin9.6.0; then
Also make sure that the libftd2xx.0.*.dylib is in either /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib.
then do: ```
./configure --enable-ft2232_ftd2xx
I'm really puzzled why the developers assume that libftd2xx is not supplied on Mac OS X? The files are right available on the FTDI D2xx page.
Thank you. I haven’t seen this solution before.
I think OSX is not used widely and developers haven’t thought about OSX when writing the configure script. Thats all.
For me, i like my OSX. Unix based system with good GUI. Best parts of open source and commercial world
March 11, 2009, 8:36pm
For me, i like my OSX. Unix based system with good GUI. Best parts of open source and commercial world
Yup! After too many years of using MS Windows to just emulate Unix, why not use the real thing?