Hi Sparkfun,
I’m wondering if I can obtain the absorption continuously? Since right now, the sample code only outputs absorptions of the six bands.
Hi Sparkfun,
I’m wondering if I can obtain the absorption continuously? Since right now, the sample code only outputs absorptions of the six bands.
Hello Yang,
Can you clarify what it is you asking? Are you wanting the absorption of one band? Are you wanting a sum of the six bands?
Hi Brandon,
I’m asking the output for each unit of wavelength, for instance, from 410nm through 450nm, I want in total 40 outputs, 1 output 1 nm. Is it possible?
Hi Yang.
The sensor doesn’t have that capability. It only senses six bands of wavelengths and can not zero in on a specific wavelength. The chart below is from the [data sheet and describes what wavelengths each band sense.