P0.P22 thru P25 - Using as GPIO Output

Since P0.22 - P0.31 are internally pulled up, how do I use them as general purpose outputs? Do I need to use a resistor to adjust them to a ‘neutral’ level?

Thanks for your time and advice!


no you dont, just configure it as an output pin the ARM will take care of the rest. howeveron the Atmel ARM’s you can configure output as open collector in which case you will need a pullup resistor, if you did not enable the internal ones.

Give a little more info. what ARM are you using ?

I’m using the LPC2106 processor. I figured it out… I didn’t realize that the pins are unavailable when in DEBUG mode due to the secondary JTAG functionality, etc. The manual is somewhat specifically vague, but through other posts and scouring the manual, I was able to confirm it… thanks Phillips for the ‘clearly written’ documentation!

I appreciate your time.