Photon Weather Shield + Weather Meter

Hey All,

I am trying to follow steps to build a weather station and have the Photon Weather Shield, Weather Meter for wind and rain and I am using the Particle Electron.

Using the Wunderground code I am getting the desired read out in the serial monitor but on wunderground it still shows the station as offline. I also tried just as a post command in the web browser using the station ID and password and I am getting a success response so I have no other ideas on how to check why it’s still showing as offline.

On a second topic, I am looking for code snippets on the Sparkfun Github for the Photo Weather Shield that includes code for the weather meter and the external soil/ water thermometer. I did look at the very old tutorial for the weather station, which included code for the weather meter but I am not sure if the code is deprecated or inapplicable for the photon weather shield.

Thanks guys.

Hi knightfoxapps,

I think the issue regarding the weather station appearing offline is related to [this post on the particle forums regarding the HTTP GET request not being completely formed. The fix listed there should resolve that issue.

As for the example including the Soil Moisture Sensor and Weather Meters, you can find that [here.

I hope this helps get your station publishing to Wunderground and the code linked is what you were looking for to use the external sensors. If you have any other questions regarding your Photon Weather Shield, please reply to this post and we would be happy to help as much as we can.](Photon_Weather_Shield/Firmware/SparkFun_Photon_Weather_Basic_Soil_Meters at master · sparkfun/Photon_Weather_Shield · GitHub)]([SOLVED] Photon Weather Station not uploading to WUnderground - #15 by bmwagner - Cloud - Particle)