I’m a newbie to this site, so please excuse me if I’m posting in the wrong forum section, or if my question is too elementary. I’ve just recently started using MPLab with a CCS complier to program a PIC16F819 I’m trying to write a code in which a single LED is switched on if 2 certain switches are pressed within 2 seconds of each other. I’ve started a basic code in which I have 4 inputs (switches) and four outputs (LED’s) at the moment each switch corresponds to a single LED so if I was to press switch1 then LED1 lights up.
I want to program the PIC so that LED1 would light up if I was to press switch1 and then switch2 (within 2 seconds of each other). I was thinking of using a 2 second count down timer and then using an “if” statement so that if the timer hasn’t reached zero and the second switch is pressed then the LED lights up. However, I have no idea how to program a count down timer can someone please help me with the coding required.
Thanks in advance.
Current code:
#include <16F819.h>
#use delay(clock=4000000)
#define SW2 PIN_B7
#define SW2 PIN_B6
#define SW3 PIN_B5
#define SW4 PIN_B4
#define LED1 PIN_B3
#define LED2 PIN_B2
#define LED3 PIN_B1
#define LED4 PIN_B0
void main()
if(!input(SW1)) output_high(LED1);
if(!input(SW2)) output_high(LED2);
if(!input(SW3)) output_high(LED3);
if(!input(SW4)) output_high(LED4);