I followed all the commands in the links below, and also as you see in the attached photos, But i still get nothing When i enter i2cdetect -y 1, as you see in the attached photo 2, I also attached the connection of the sensors and the pihat which ive been told its correct. Can you help to me to understand what did i do wrong and where is the issue here:
I checked the pins and they have no issues, I even added another sensor with different wiring but similar to the one in the previous connection photo as you see in the link below, and still, nothing shows up. I’m not sure how to probe the voltage lines to the sensor because the wiring in the link below is the only type I have. I attached a screenshot of the Cayenne website that shows the GPIO maybe that will make it easier to see where is the problem!!
Yes I did enable I2C from the pie desktop as you see in the I2c photo. but the Cayenne website shows nothing is enabled im not sure why as you see in the 2nd pic!
Do you have an Arduino or other microcontroller to test the sensors with? I think that the I2C port is working but we need to check the sensors first. If a microcontroller isn’t able to speak to them then I would assume that they are defective.
No, I dont. I only have raspberry pie. there was a command to check if i2c is working but i forgot what it was and when i tried i remember it showed that i2c is working fine. I tried 2 sensors, so do you think its possible both are defective? and whats your advice now?