Pinout for SparkFun Level Shifting microSD Breakout

I have this microSD board but cannot find documentation of the pins description. I am trying to connect it to ESP32-S2 and not Arduino. Could someone please point me to where I can find this info?

The the pictures on the product page have all of the pins labeled, the hookup guide will show you how to wire to an arduino … o3EALw_wcB,

and the schematic here can show you everything inside the board itself … SD_v10.pdf

Then match the relevant esp32 pins :smiley:

Thanks. I’ve been trying to do exactly that but coming short on few pins. This is my ESP board … der-blocks



SPICS0=CS (chipselect??)

CD = card detect.

VCC and GRD of course is obvious.

What is DI and DO? Digital In and Out?? What does it match up to on ESP?

DI (data in) is the same as MOSI.

DO (data out is the same as MISO.