I’m using in my PC HOST a linux dist version 2.6.11. Follow some tutorials, I put this files:
downloaded from Cirrus in my host usr/local directory, having this result:
with all files untared …
I have put the kernel source untared in my user file:
and the file:
cirrus-arm-linux-2.0.2.tar.bz2, downloaded from cirrus untared in:
First of all, how I use the arm crosstool, for compile the source, changing some configs.
When I try use for exemple: make menuconfig on kernel source, this works, but the system use native GCC, not arm-gcc, how I can do this same manuconfig using arm-gcc, for compile it for cirrus EP9301.
I think that I can do a make command on “cirrus-arm-linux-2.0.2/epd9301” dir, but using this can I change the configs? If yes, how I call the make config using arm tool.
Other question: what’s difference between arm-elf and arm-gcc? Both are used?
But please, give all the steps, because I have some dubts.