Please help! Power supply for SAM7-EX256


I have a SAM7-EX256 from OLIMEX. Is it okay to use 6VDC 1200 mA as a power supply for this board?

I checked the specification of the board and it is stated that the on-board voltage regulator is 800mA current. That is why i’m afraid to use my 1200mA power supply since it might burn the board.

Please advise.



You could hook in a 100amp power supply to it and it would be just fine. Unlike voltage, the board will only “suck” as much current as it needs, as long as the voltage is correct. The only danger is using a power supply that can’t provide enough current, one that can provide much more is just fine.

The downside is that if you short anything out on the board, you will fry it.

Thanks for the info… I was just worried because the bridge diode became hotter after I plug the power supply.