Please help with HCS12 and nRF2401A

I am working on a project that involves 2 nordic nrf2401A devices that

are found at … cts_id=152 and was wondering if anyone could offer any assistance. I am programming it using C and using a HCS12 Dragon development board. I have constructed a circuit that steps down a 5V output from the HC12 to 2.9 for the nRF device and constructed a circuit that steps up a 3V from the nRF device to 5V for the HC12. I have also written the following 2 c files that write to the devices registers, transmits data and receives it, which is found below. I have tested the voltage to make sure they are at the proper levels for input and output, which they are, and tested the correct sequence of pin values using LED’s and comparing it the timing diagrams on the data sheet. The only problem is they fail to communicate among each other and I can not send a transmission. Using the printf statements I have been able to track where the code flows to and the place it is hung up on is reading the DR1 pin, which constantly says “no data yet.” I have also monitored that pin with a voltmeter and tried to see if that pin goes high, which it does not. So if anyone has any ideas or references that could offer some assistance I’d greatly appreciate it.

#include <mc9s12dp256.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void setupT(void);
void setupR(void);
void sendData(void);
void receiveData(void);
int get_bit(int decimal, int N);
void delayby100ms(int k);
void readLoop(void);
void delayby1ms(int);

/*	 Transmitter


	 P0 = Chip Select
	 P1 = Chip Enable
	 P2 = Clock
	 P3 = Data Out
	 P4 = DR1
	 P5 = Data In



	 T0 = Chip Select
	 T1 = Chip Enable
	 T2 = Clock
	 T3 = Data Out

	 T4 = DR1
	 T5 = Data In

void setupT(void) /************************************************/
  int config[15] = {0x00,0x50,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x22,
  	   			  	0x33,0x44,0x55,0x66,0xA3,0x4F,0xAE}; //Configure Registers
  int x,i,j;
  DDRP = 0x0F;		// configures the lower part of Port P for output
  	   	 			// configures the upper part of Port P for input
  PTP = 0x01;		// Activate CS
  delayby1ms(1);	// Allow time for CS to settle - min 5us/max na
    x = get_bit(config[j],i); // get value of bit in current char
    //printf("x = %d, i = %d, j = %d",x,i,j);
	if(x == 1) 	 	 // if i bit of config[j] is 1 output a high on DAT
	 PTP = 0x09;  	 // Puts a HIGH on CS (Data High, Clock Low)
	 delayby1ms(1);	 // Setup Delay - min 500ns/max na
	 PTP = 0x0D;   	 // Puts a HIGH on CS, DATA (Clock High)
	 delayby1ms(1);	 // Hold Delay - min 500ns/max na
	}				 // Clock High for a min of 500ns/max na
	 PTP = 0x01;   	 // Puts a HIGH on CS (Data Low, Clock Low)
 	 delayby1ms(1);	 // Setup Delay - min 500ns/max na
	 PTP = 0x05;   	 // Puts a HIGH on CS (Clock High)
	 delayby1ms(1);	 // Hold Delay - min 500ns/max na
	}				 // Clock High for a min of 500ns/max na
  PTP = 0x00;	   	 // Deactivate CS to activate configuration
  delayby1ms(1);	 // Allow time for all values to be low
  puts("The Transmitter Registers are Set!\n\r");
} /****************************************************************/

void setupR(void) /************************************************/
  char config[15] = {0x00,0x50,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x22,
  int x,i,j;
  DDRT = 0x0F;		// configures the lower part of Port T for output
  	   	 			// configures the upper part of Port T for input
  PTT = 0x01;		// Activate Chip Select
  delayby1ms(1);	// Allow time for Chip Enable to settle
    x = get_bit(config[j],i); // get value of bit in current char
    //printf("x = %d, i = %d, j = %d",x,i,j);
	if(x == 1) 	 	 // if i bit of config[j] is 1 output a high on DAT
	 PTT = 0x09;  	 // Puts a HIGH on CS (Data High, Clock Low)
	 delayby1ms(1);	 // Setup Delay - min 500ns/max na
	 PTT = 0x0D;   	 // Puts a HIGH on CS, DATA (Clock High)
	 delayby1ms(1);	 // Hold Delay - min 500ns/max na
	}				 // Clock High for a min of 500ns/max na
	 PTT = 0x01;   	 // Puts a HIGH on CS (Data Low, Clock Low)
 	 delayby1ms(1);	 // Setup Delay - min 500ns/max na
	 PTT = 0x05;   	 // Puts a HIGH on CS (Clock High)
	 delayby1ms(1);	 // Hold Delay - min 500ns/max na
	}				 // Clock High for a min of 500ns/max na
  PTT = 0x00;		 // Set all pin values low
  delayby1ms(1);	 // Allow time for all pin values to be low
  PTT = 0x02;	   	 // Activate CE to start monitoring air
  puts("The Receiver Register are Set!\n\r");
} /****************************************************************/

void sendData(void) /**********************************************/
 int data[10] = {0x34,0x52,0x19,0x00,0xFF,
 	 		  	 0xAD,0xFA,0x04,0x19,0x47}; // 10 char code to be sent
 int address[5] = {0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55,0x66}; // address of receiver
 int x,i,j;
 PTP = 0x02;		// Activate CE
 delayby1ms(1);		// Allow time to settle - min 5 us/max na
 for(j=0;j<5;j++)	// Clocks in address to the nRF
  for(i=8;i>0;i--)	// Clocks in each bit of the current char of address
  x = get_bit(address[j],i); // get value of bit in address
  //printf("x = %d, i = %d, j = %d",x,i,j);
   if(x == 1) // if i bit of config[j] is 1 output a high on DAT
   PTP = 0x0A;	 	// Puts a HIGH on CE (Data High, Clock Low)
   delayby1ms(1);	// Setup Delay - min 500ns/max na
   PTP = 0x0E;	  	// Puts a HIGH on CE, DATA (Clock High)
   delayby1ms(1);	// Hold Delay - min 500ns/max na
   }				// Clock High for a min of 500ns/max na
   PTP = 0x02;	  	// Puts a HIGH on CE (Data Low, Clock Low)
   delayby1ms(1);	// Setup Delay - min 500ns/max na
   PTP = 0x06;	  	// Puts a HIGH on CE (Clock High)
   delayby1ms(1);	// Hold Delay - min 500ns/max na
   }				// Clock High for a min of 500ns/max na
 for(j=0;j<10;j++)	// Clocks in data to the nRF
  for(i=8;i>0;i--)	// Clocks in each bit of the current char of data
   x = get_bit(data[j],i); // get value of bit in current char
   //printf("x = %d, i = %d, j = %d",x,i,j);
   if(x == 1) // if i bit of config[j] is 1 output a high on DAT
	PTP = 0x0A;	 	// Puts a HIGH on CE (Data High)
	delayby1ms(1);	// Setup Delay - min 500ns/max na
	PTP = 0x0E;	  	// Puts a HIGH on CE, DATA (Clock High)
	delayby1ms(1);	// Hold Delay - min 500ns/max na
   }				// Clock High for a min of 500ns/max na
	PTP = 0x02;	  	// Puts a HIGH on CE (Data Low)
 	delayby1ms(1);	// Setup Delay - min 500ns/max na
	PTP = 0x06;	  	// Puts a HIGH on CE (Clock High)
	delayby1ms(1);	// Hold Delay - min 500ns/max na
   }				// Clock High for a min of 500ns/max na
 puts("Data was sent!\n\r");
 PTP = 0x00;   	   // Deactivates CE to start transmission  
} /****************************************************************/

void receiveData(void) /*******************************************/
 char temp,x,DR1,data[10];
 int i,j;
 //PTT = 0x00; 		// turn off chip enable, deactivate RF front end
 for(i=0;i<10;i++)  // using 10 byte payloads
  for(j=0;j<8;j++)  // 8 bits per byte
	temp <<= 1;	    // bitwise shift of one 
	//x = PTP&FE; 	// assign value of P0(data1) to x 
	//temp |= x;	// Does bitwise OR of temp and value of x
	temp |= PTT&0x20; // Takes value on T5 and ORS it with the bit of temp
	PTT = 0x04;		// cycle clock high
   	PTT = 0x00;		// cycle clock low
   data[i] = temp;  // assign temp char to data array
 x = PTT&0x10;	    // read T1(DR1); should be low after all payload data
 if(x == 0x10)		// is clocked out of transeiver
  puts("DR1 went low!\n\r");
 printf("\n\rData Received:\n\r", 0);
 printf("[0] : %h\n\r", data[0]);
 printf("[1] : %h\n\r", data[1]);
 printf("[2] : %h\n\r", data[2]);
 printf("[3] : %h\n\r", data[3]);
 printf("[0] : %h\n\r", data[4]);
 printf("[1] : %h\n\r", data[5]);
 printf("[2] : %h\n\r", data[6]);
 printf("[3] : %h\n\r", data[7]);
 printf("[2] : %h\n\r", data[8]);
 printf("[3] : %h\n\r", data[9]);
 PTT = 0x02;   // activates chip enable, and RF front end
} /****************************************************************/

void readLoop(void) /**********************************************/
 char x;
  x = PTT&0x10;		// Check to see if DR1 went high
   if(x == 0x10)	// Enter loop if DR1 went high
     puts("DR1 went High!\n\r");
   	 puts("No data yet\n\r");
} /****************************************************************/

int get_bit(int decimal, int N) /**********************************/
 int constant = 1 << (N-1);
 if( decimal & constant )
  return 1;
  return 0;
} /****************************************************************/
#include <mc9s12dp256.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void setupT(void);
void setupR(void);
void sendData(void);
void readLoop(void);

void main()

What are you using for a level shifter to get from 3v to 5v? It’s possible that it is not switching fast enough, and the signal is being lost.

Thanks for the quick reply, I am using a SN7406 and it says the switching time for a them is 10 or 15 ns per operation based on the type. I realize it is a hex inverter so I am using two of the buffers to output the signal I want.