Pocket AVR Programmer - Not connecting with the Arduino IDE

Hi group. I’ve recently purchased the Sparkfun Pocket AVR Programmer to connect to the ATmega328P-PU. I found a schematic at All About Circuits (https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/projects/breadboarding-and-programming-the-atmega328p-and-attiny45-in-atmel-studio-7/) that shows how to connect to the MCU. I’ve attempted this with no success. I did download and install the appropriate driver for the product. Am I missing some additional hardware that is needed? Is there a better way to connect to the MCU such that I can begin programming it?

I should share that this is my second attempt at programming. I’ve also purchased an Adafruit ItsyBitsy 32u4 3.3V controller. I was successful in programming this. However I’d prefer to use the Atmega328P as a standalone MCU which will be built in to my project.

If you have some thoughts as to what I need to look for, to test or do to make the appropriate connects, please don’t hesitate to share. I appreciate any assistance anyone can give.

That programmer uses a ATtiny2313, is that what you have selected?

Otherwise, let me offer some suggestions and things to check:

  1. Connections:

    • Double-check all your connections between the programmer and the ATmega328P-PU. Make sure they match the schematic exactly.
    • Ensure you have proper power supply to the ATmega328P-PU (usually 5V or 3.3V, depending on your setup).
    • Verify the ground connection between the programmer and the MCU.
  2. Additional hardware:

    • You may need a breadboard and some jumper wires if you don’t already have them.
    • A crystal oscillator (usually 16 MHz for Arduino-compatible setups) and two 22pF capacitors are often necessary for the ATmega328P to function properly.
  3. Programmer settings:

    • Make sure you’ve selected the correct programmer in your IDE or programming software.
    • Verify that you’ve chosen ATmega328P as the target device.
  4. Testing the connection:

    • Try using AVRDUDE (a command-line tool for programming AVR microcontrollers) to test if your programmer can communicate with the ATmega328P.
    • You can use a simple command like:
      avrdude -c usbtiny -p m328p
  5. Alternative setup:

    • You might consider using an Arduino Uno as an ISP (In-System Programmer) to program your ATmega328P. This can sometimes be easier to set up and troubleshoot.