Hello, I saw in one of the documents and in a review that using the pins (not the TRRS jack) should use a 10k pull up on the NS and SIG pins. I’ve got one these hooked up to an Onion (and testing with a scope) that shows no signals on either NS or SIG. I’m wondering if the pullup is something I need to add? If so, if it’s pulled up, am I looking for the ping going to 0 on the line, or just interrupt on the rising or falling edge of the signal? I suspect it’s the rising edge based on the english part of that one PDF. But I’m curious to know if anyone can tell me for sure.
Thank you.
What kind of radioactive material are you using to test the detector? That being said, it looks like the [Arduino example code linked on the [product page implements an internal pull-up resistor for both signal lines with the Arduino Uno.](RADIATION WATCH: 専門家向け資料)](GitHub - MonsieurV/ArduinoPocketGeiger: Arduino library to interface with the Radiation Watch Pocket Geiger)
Sorry, I just saw this. I just want to stick it into a weather station to watch background radiation. Nothing special, just a way to watch background radiation and see if it ever changes? It won’t. But it’s a fun project for something I got sorta one off.
That said, if I do pullups, even weak processor ones, if I look for an interrupt, is it still high and maybe just watch for rising/falling? Is there anything special for it?
Ahh… Then, you probably aren’t getting a signal because the sensor isn’t detecting any radiation (that is high enough) or because there is no pull-up resistor on the signal line.
- This device isn't really built to handle *background* radiation. You would probably need at minimum, an actual Geiger tube to detect something that faint. Based on the [[Datasheet](https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_tutorials/1/4/3/X100-7_SMD_501401.pdf) linked under the **Documents** tab of the product page, I am pretty sure you need a quite a bit of radiation to trigger the sensor. (*I don't even think the Americium-241 in smoke detectors emit enough gamma radiation to trigger this device.*)
- Without a pull-up resistor on the SIG line, you probably wouldn't have been able to detect the pulses. As noted in the [[Microcontroller Hookup](https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_tutorials/1/4/3/GeigerCounterType5_connect_with_microcomputer.pdf) linked under the **Documents** tab of the product page:
The detector outputs a negative (LOW) pulse when radiation has been detected at SIG.
If I remember correctly the internal pull-up resistance for the ATmega328 was around 20-50 kOhms.
Looking at the Arduino example code (GitHub repo linked previously), it looks like they are tracking the pulse frequency. I am not quite sure I follow why you are looking for a rising/falling edge, I haven’t seen any mention about that in any of the resources we provide.
I would recommend using the standard Arduino example with [Arduino Dock 2 for the Onion. If you follow the documentation and use the Arduino example code, it should be the easiest way to get the example up and running on your Onion.](https://onion.io/store/arduino-dock-r2/)](https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_tutorials/1/4/3/GeigerCounterType5_connect_with_microcomputer.pdf)](https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_tutorials/1/4/3/X100-7_SMD_501401.pdf)