Preliminary Boards


I have two small questions:

Is there a planned release time for the LPC-H2294 boards?

I need a 4-Channel-CAN µC-Kit, and the mentioned one seems to be the only available Board on the market, isn’t it?

Will the Crossworks tools work with the LPC22xx MCU’s? I just found a target specification for the LPC210x MCU’s included in the demo version.

If not, which software is recommended for the LPC22xx’s?



I have sort of the same question

the specs of the LPC-E2214 and the LPC-E2294 seem to be very interesting

Any idea of the release time and price?


H2214, H2294, E2214, E2294 bare board are produced, we are assembling now, so these boards most probably will be on stock next week (beggining of December).

Best regards
