Printing text to transparent OLED display

Hello all, I recently acquired the TOLED breakout and have been successfully driving some basic images/animations to it using the HyperDisplay library, however I am having difficulties with the print function. Here is what I have tried doing, however nothing is displayed to the screen.

#include "HyperDisplay_UG2856KLBAG01.h"
#define WIRE_PORT Wire
  myTOLED.begin(WIRE_PORT, false, SSD1309_ARD_UNUSED_PIN);

  wind_info_t test;
  myTOLED.pCurrentWindow = &test;

I also tried the same thing without any window shenanigans. I believe I am missing something painfully obvious, but I am at a loss. Thanks in advance for assistance!

Hi evantheking01,

Which microcontroller are you using with the Transparent OLED? In order to use the default font in HyperDisplay, your microcontroller has to support the “<avr/pgmspace.h> header”. For example, if you are using the ESP32 Thing Plus like our [Hookup Guide demonstrates, the default font will not work since the ESP32 does not support the <avr/pgmspace.h> header. There are ways around this by modifying the library to either create a custom font or port the default font over but they’re a bit beyond the scope of that tutorial and our support here. The engineer who wrote the library gave a very detailed response with some tips to [this issue in the HyperDisplay GitHub repository that might help you get started porting over the default font or creating a new one if you are using a microcontroller that does not support the <avr/pgmspace.h> header.

If you are using the display with an AVR-based controller like an Arduino Mega 2560, then something else is causing the problem. If that’s the case, let me know and we can troubleshoot further.](Alternative Font Sizes · Issue #2 · sparkfun/SparkFun_HyperDisplay · GitHub)](

Hello TS-Mark,

I am using the esp32, so I will make my way over to the links you attached, thank you for the support!