Pro Micro 3.3V Bootloader Pin Assignment


I have created a custom PCB with an ATMEGA32U4 and use the Pro Micro 3.3V board when programming using Arduino IDE and Atmel ICE programmer.

I noticed that the Pro Micro doesn’t have all the ATMEGA32U4 pins exposed on the headers. Are all of those pins still functional in the bootloader/firmware that is used by the Pro Micro?

If, for exampler, I connect to ATMEGA32U4 pin 41 (not exposed on Pro Micro) on my custom PCB and use the Pro Micro 3.3V bootloader, would the chip recognize that pin?

Thanks in advance!


It looks like the A5/pin #41 should still be functional … ino.h#L335 , but we have not tested it to confirm

Try and perform an analog read on that pin with a known voltage to test it out