Pro Micro bricked?

Well, I broke my second connector. The first was because I used it as leverage taking it off the breadboard. Doh! The second was a spectacular backflip when the USB cable wrapped around my leg to get up. Not a design problem. BUT, I now have two bricked Pro Micros. Is there a way to rescue these guys? I can’t see any traces left (all plastic) to be able to solder to. I’ve seen how to program the Pro Mini’s via another Arduino, but I can’t seem to get this work on the Pro Micro. Is there a different trick with these guys?

If you post pictures, I might get a better idea of how to help.

You can program them using an AVR programmer, but you will never again be able to program them over USB :frowning: Check out the tutorial below for instructions on how to install an Arduino bootloader or other code to another Arduino (see top comment for instructions on using a Pro Micro, the SPI pins are in a different location).

Hmm. I knew the USB wouldn’t work. I was so hoping that was going to work. I knew that the Micro was somehow different. Still have an issue. One ProMicro shows no yellow LED when burning bootloader or sketch, so I guess that guy is toast… The other one shows all sorts of activity, but will not run the sketch. I was able to burn a bootloader and sketch, but it won’t run. Either it’s me or these things are toast in different ways. Since I was able to burn a loader and upload a sketch, I am assuming that because I can upload, I have it hooked up correctly? I am definitely running the arduino as an ISP sketch on the UNO and have the correct board and speed selected. Here’s the connections:

D14 (MISO) → UNO D12

D16 (MOSI) → UNO D11

D15 (SCK) → UNO D13




BASIC, BASIC sketch, it was from the ProMicro Blink, then I also just did a D5 on and off with a 1000ms delay. Nothing. But it will light the red (power) and the yellow (near D7) when booting / uploading…

Tell me I’m doing something dumb…