Pro Micro RP2040 - controlling WS2812


I’d like to play with the WS2812 LED on my new Pro Micro RP2040 board. I’m using C/C++ and the Platform.IO IDE, trying to use the Arduino framework. Yes, this may indeed be the wrong place to start - so suggestions would be welcomed here! I’m not really interested in using MicroPython.

So there’s an intriguing line in the … okup-guide:

The other is the addressable WS2812 RGB LED. The addressable LED is connected to GPIO25. You’ll to define functions or use the WS2812 library to control that LED.

(Typo in original doc)

The very popular FastLED library doesn’t support the Pico board. Nor does LightWS2812.

To save me trying all the libraries out, does anyone know of a WS2812 library that works?


You can try the basic WS2812 library from arduino and see if that works?