Hello fellow Sparkfun enthusiasts…
I had a question about external-power-supplies (5v) , an arduino pro mini 5v, ( https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11113 ),
and the 5V ftdi breakout board ( https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9716 ).
In my present setup, I use the ftdi-breakout to both program and monitor the output from the pro-mini. During my
development phase, I rely on the ftdi-breakout to provide power to the pro mini.
Now that I have a full-blown circuit/project with various sub-components, and an external 5v powersupply; I have
concerns about hooking up the ftdi-break-out board to the pro-mini, while the external powersupply is
providing power to the pro-mini.
Part of why I want to hook it up, while everything is live, is to monitor for any error-messages.
Addionally there have a been a few times where I’ve needed to do a field-program/upgrade on the pro-mini. With the
external supply off, I’ve noticed that the ftdi does illiuminate the power-led on the external-supply.
Is there any recommended way (or practice) in wiring up the arduino-pro-mini into an externally powered circuit, and
still be able to safetly use the ftdi breakout for both monitoring and programming??
Hopefully this makes sense.